Call for papers

Technical Track

Join us for the 12th edition of TICEC 2024, Ecuador’s flagship conference on Information and Communication Technologies. We’re calling on global researchers to submit their papers for the Technical Track by June 30.

TICEC 2024 zeroes in on cutting-edge topics: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development, and the real-world applications of ICT. As a leading forum, TICEC unites thinkers and innovators from varied disciplines to delve into ICT’s core operations, interactions, and real-life impacts. Established in 2013, this conference has been a cornerstone in advancing ICT knowledge and application.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to and participate in a gathering of minds shaping the future of ICT. Mark your calendars for October 16 – 18, 2024, and get ready to engage, learn, and network at TICEC 2024. Submit your work now and be part of shaping the next wave of ICT innovation!

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline July 14, 2024 (23:59, UTC-5) – Closed

Acceptance notification August 18, 2024

Final version submission August 25, 2024 (23:59, UTC-5)

Registration September 17, 2024

IMPORTANT: Please create an account on RTE to submit your manuscript. Don’t forget to include in your message to the editor that your article is intended for TICEC.

Submission and Review Process

Each paper submission will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review, assessed for originality, research depth, accuracy, relevance to the conference’s themes, and clarity. Ensure you fully understand the submission guidelines by carefully reading the call for papers before submitting your work.

Prepare your paper

To ensure consistency and quality in your manuscript submission, please carefully adhere to the guidelines below, which are also detailed in the “Word Template” file available for drafting your article:

• Author Information: Include full names and surnames, institutional affiliation, ORCID number, and email address. A maximum of five authors per article is allowed.

• Title: Present in both Spanish and English, using uppercase and lowercase letters with a limit of 15 words. Use Times New Roman font, 16-point size, and bold formatting.

• Abstract: Drafted in a single paragraph, the abstract should outline the topic, objective, key points, and conclusions. It must not exceed 250 words and be presented in both Spanish and English (Abstract).

• Keywords: Include five to six words or phrases, alphabetically ordered, the first with initial capitalization and the rest in lowercase, separated by commas (,), and not mentioned in the title or subtitle. Present in both Spanish and English (Keywords). These are used to thematically classify the article.

• Article Body: Divided into Introduction; Development, with sections headed by Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…) and/or subsections (A, B, C…); Conclusions, and References. If necessary, tables, images, and figures should be numbered and referenced before being displayed. Declare any related funding for the work to be published, if applicable.

• Formatting: Pages should be numbered, single-spaced using Times New Roman font, 12-point size. The article length should range from 5,000 to 8,000 words.

• Language: Articles can be written in English or Spanish

• Citations: Follow APA 7th edition format.

• Ethical Compliance: Authors must be familiar with and adhere to the publication’s Code of Ethics and Best Practices.

• Don’t forget to include in your message to the editor that your article is intended for TICEC.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission complies with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

The submission has not been previously published nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

The file is in Microsoft Word format.

URLs have been added for references where available.

The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font size; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.

The text adheres to the bibliographic and stylistic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which can be found below this section.

The technical track proceedings of TICEC 2024 will be featured in a dedicated volume of the RTE ESPOL journal. This esteemed publication is recognized and indexed by notable databases such as Latindex, Google Scholar, Crossref, among others, ensuring wide visibility and accessibility to the scholarly community.

Each paper will be evaluated by at least three regular members of the Program Committee or two senior members of the Steering Committee. Papers will be judged on:

• Originality: The paper should present new ideas, projects, or issues, offer new insights into existing research, introduce new research, or propose new approaches to existing information.

• Engagement: The presentation should engage the audience, have a strong potential to attract conference attendees by meeting the community’s needs.

• Significance: Discusses key issues that enhance the effectiveness and/or sustainability of open education, with content that is widely disseminable and understandable.

• Quality: Assertions are backed by adequate data, relevant literature is referenced, and limitations are disclosed candidly.

• Clarity: The paper’s goals and intended outcomes are straightforward and easy to comprehend.

• Relevance: Directly addresses one or more of the conference’s themes.

• Download the MS Word Template

• Download the Presentation Template

• Plagiarism Check: All submissions to TICEC 2024 will undergo checks for plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Papers found to contain plagiarism will be automatically rejected.

• Authorship: Post-acceptance, no additional authors can be added beyond those listed in the EasyChair submission form.

• Revisions: Accepted papers must be revised according to the reviewers’ feedback and recommendations.

• Registration Policy: Each registration allows for one author’s attendance.

• Publication Rule: Only one paper may be presented and published per registration.

• Cancellation Policy: Registrations are final – no cancellations or refunds.

• Transfer Policy: Registrations are strictly non-transferable.

• Presentation Requirement: Publication of an article is contingent upon its presentation at the conference.

At TICEC 2024, attendees and participants can look forward to the presentation of four prestigious awards, recognizing outstanding contributions across various categories:

• Best Full Paper Award: Celebrating the most outstanding full-length paper.

• Best Presentation Awards: Recognized in two categories:

    • Female presenter
    • Male presenter

• Contributor of the Year Award:
Recognizes the institution with the highest number of accepted papers in the conference track, celebrating its significant contribution to the field.